Tuesday, August 23, 2011

(Not) Wishing the Days Away

Yesterday the kiddos went back to school. This used to be my absolute favoritest time of year. I *loved* back to school. New clothes, new shoes, new office supplies! Who doesn't LOVE office supplies?! But now that I have three kids, I'm a little sad when this time of year rolls around.

We had a great summer but I am sorry to see it come to an end. My youngest turned 6 and that means (to me), I no longer have "little ones" at home - just big kids. So I'm moving forward into this next chapter of our lives. While the past 10 years have been so incredibly awesome in so many ways, it also has had the most traumatic and difficult times of my life so far. So I'm hoping this next chapter is less stressful and more blissful (don't we all).

It just makes every day more grander and every moment more precious. I thank God daily for all our wonderful blessings. I wish I could go back in time to all those days I just wished away and put them back in my lifetime for another chance. But since I can't I can only vow to make every day count going forward.

Ah yes, moving forward. So it's also been 10 years since I left my HR career to launch Paperwhite Studio. This has been one of the greatest things I've ever done for myself. I *love* lettering and I love creating and to be able to do it for a living has been one of my life's greatest blessings.

The past few years it has been very difficult to maintain my business while also caring for the family. So this year, I really hope to make the best of my time and create as much as I can. Who says the New Year starts January 1? It really starts when the school bell rings in the fall! So I'm making my resolutions now - one of which is to try to create something new every day.

I've been really beating myself up about my "block" and realized if I don't just start "doing" I'll never bust past it. So yesterday instead of just gazing at one of my lettering books, I decided to give something new a try.

I created a new birthday card based on a style called, "clothesline alphabet." This is from the book, "Hand Lettering: Simple, Creative Styles for Cards, Scrapbooks, and More" by Marci Donley and Deann Singh. This is a great book full of fun lettering styles for anyone to try.  I had so much fun doing this and look forward to the next "creative block buster" I can tackle!