Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Introducing Zentangles

I was asked to introduce Zentangles to the Coastal Calligraphers Guild during our last meeting. I had soooo much fun! I am not a certified zentangle teacher so I did the best I could using the information from the zentangle's website. Thankfully Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts, the creators of zentangle, encourage others to share about zentangles.

We reviewed several patterns and then did a few projects. The first project was a tag necklace which can be used as a name tag, necklace, or gift tag or... For our second project, we tangled a copper colored leaf. I drew the leaf pattern and cut out the shapes, used black eyelets, and put black string through for hanging. Being from New England, I'm missing all the beautiful fall colors right now so I thought this would be a fun way to bring them to Florida!

I figured out why I love zentangles so much and why I think they are so popular. There is a youtube video which shows a vibration table and each time salt is thrown on the table, a pattern is created from the vibration the frequency creates. It's amazing to see all the different patterns created and they look just like a zentangle pattern.

Many of you know I am also a homeopath and homeopathy is vibrational medicine. Each remedy is a vibration/energy of a substance such as a plant or mineral. People also have a vibration. The vibration of the remedy is matched to the vibration of the person (based on symptoms) so that healing can occur. So zentangles is like homeopathic medicine in a way since people are resonating with certain patterns.

Fascinating to me - perhaps boring to others! But I think it's wonderful! Now if I could just figure out how to determine the pattern of each remedy to the pattern of each person, I could heal the world! But for now, I'll just have to be happy tangling!
Using the chalkboard to demonstrate zentangles.

Loving using stencils!

The blank silver rimmed tags before the class. I glued charms to the bottom of each one to weight.

Our copper leaf!

Wishing for snow!

My tag examples.

From the class - they did beautiful work!

We worked through the same patterns - love how they all come out different!